Home delivery set to boom during World Cup

The FIFA World Cup, which kicks off in South Africa this Friday (11 June), is expected to boost sales through the UK’s catering sector by around £50m, assuming England gets through to the knockout stage of the tournament. The main beneficiaries of this additional spend will be home delivery outlets, takeaways, and pubs.

Peter Backman, managing director of market analyst Horizons, predicts that outlets such as Domino’s, Papa John’s and Pizza Hut as well as local Chinese and Indian restaurants offering home delivery, will see the biggest surge in sales during the World Cup as people stay at home to watch the tournament.

“Domino’s has already benefitted from the rejuvenation of Saturday night television with the huge popularity of X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent. Likewise, the first England games – on Saturday 12 June against the US and against Algeria on Friday 18 June – will see a hike in delivery orders. If England wins the group then viewing figures will reach in excess of the 12 million achieved by the final of Britain’s Got Talent, so home delivery and fast food companies are likely to experience another massive demand in orders, particularly during their first knock-out match on 26 June.”

While pubs screening the games will see an inevitable increase in footfall, restaurants are likely to be quiet during the tournament. Piccolino owner, the Individual Restaurant Company, has already warned that the World Cup could have a negative impact on its business as some of the key England games take place during important trading periods. Brewer Carlsberg has a more optimistic outlook, estimating that the competition will add £125m in incremental profit to pubs, bars and restaurants, with an additional 21 million pints consumed.

“Pubs and restaurants going football crazy need to ensure they don’t alienate people who aren’t interested in football and that they make the most of any increase in footfall by up-selling on food or snacks. JD Wetherspoon has acknowledged the negative effect football can have by declaring some of its pubs ‘World Cup-free zones’,” added Backman.

For further comment or to interview Peter Backman please call Linda Pettit at Tilburstow Media Partners on 01737 823721/07973 789853 or email press@horizonsforsuccess.com.

Alternatively contact Peter Backman on:

Office: 020 8349 0162
Mobile: 07785 242809
Email: peter@horizonsforsuccess.com
Website: horizonsforsuccess.com

Skype: prbackman

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About Horizons

Peter Backman is the managing director of Horizons, the analyst and specialist information consultant for the foodservice and hospitality sector. Peter is an expert on the structure and dynamics of the foodservice sector, and its supply chain, in the UK and across Europe. He has been involved in foodservice, as an analyst, researcher and consultant, for almost 30 years.

Horizons helps its clients make better business decisions by providing accurate and detailed information about the foodservice market, its trends, and opportunities. The company provides consultancy services, workshops and statistical information based on its model of the sector and database of key accounts across Europe. The company recently acquired the QuickBite (consumer research) and Menurama (menu tracking) services, adding further depth to its statistical knowledge of the sector.

The company’s clients includes Compass and Whitbread, suppliers such as 3663, Brakes, Cadbury, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble and Electrolux, investors JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs and trade associations such as the British Hospitality Association and the Food and Drink Federation.
Horizons’ views have been sought by organisations such as the Bank of England, the Department for Culture Media and Sport and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Peter Backman is a regular contributor to industry conferences and his views are often sought by the business and trade press, TV and radio.


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