Lunch offers a great opportunity for operators prepared to adapt, says Horizons

There is a real opportunity for foodservice operators to grow their lunchtime trade as the definition of lunch broadens and consumers become more adventurous in their choices.

Speaking at the lunch! trade show in London today [Business Design Centre, 24-25 September 2015], Emma Read, Horizons’ director of marketing and business development, told the audience that there was huge opportunity for the lunch market as it begins to blur with the breakfast and snacking sectors and even with evening meals.“Consumers expect to be able to eat when they want, wherever they happen to be whether it’s out shopping, at work, travelling or in a garden centre. Lunch is extending beyond its traditional times – it could now be anything from mid morning to late afternoon. Operators need to be prepared for this and adapt,” she said.

“There are also new, innovative chains offering a much wider choice of lunchtime dishes – how much longer can the humble sandwich be our lunch of choice when you can buy fantastically healthy salads, noodle pots and a vast array of other foods-to-go?”

Currently around 3.5 billion lunch meals are sold accounting for 44.5% of the foodservice sector. This share has has grown 2% since 2012 and is likely to expand by a further 5.6% by 2018.

Read outlined some of the changes the market has undergone as operators embrace demand for faster, contactless payment methods, food ordering apps, delivery to desk or home, food on the go and bespoke dishes, as well catering for those with allergen requirements and specific health issues.

“Food is becoming increasingly personalised – you only have to look at what’s on offer from some of the new chains on the high street. These operators are offering food from breakfast to bedtime with everything in between. Those that don’t will be left behind.

“The growing popularity of street food, particularly in large cities across the UK, continues to offer consumers new food choices. You only have to go to one of London’s busiest street food areas, such as Borough Market, to see the variety of cuisines on offer and how busy they are at lunchtimes.

“Food stalls are selling exciting, innovative food that’s healthy, great value, easy to eat and different. They satisfy consumer’s desire to try something new. These operators are helping to drive lunch of the future, “ she said.


For more details or comment contact Linda Pettit at Tilburstow Media Partners on 01342 832866 / 07973 789853 or email Alternatively contact Horizons on 0844 800 0456 or email




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