HVS releases global Hotel Market Analysis and Valuation book

HVS, the leading global hospitality consulting and services company, has released an updated version of its influential book Hotel Market Analysis and Valuation, written by HVS chairman and founder Steve Rushmore MAI, FRICS, along with John O’Neill MAI, PhD and Stephen Rushmore Jr, MAI.

Since it was first published Hotel Market Analysis and Valuation has become the definitive guide to the science of hotel valuation and is widely used by hotel owners, operators, investors, lenders, consultants and valuers around the world.

This, the sixth edition of the title, offers an in-depth global perspective on hotel market studies, financial projections and valuations as well as details of how to value hotels in various regions of the world, including a special focus on Europe.

For the first time the publication includes hotel valuation software, enabling readers to perform highly sophisticated analyses, financial projections and valuations.

“Very few books come with the software needed to perform the analyses set forth in the text. This package contains everything you need to perform a sophisticated hotel market study and valuation,” commented Steve Rushmore.

As well as the addition of the software, the title offers an historic overview of the worldwide hotel industry with discussion of the various economic cycles and trends impacting hotel supply and demand.

“The HVS book has become a hugely influential title in the area of hotel valuation and this edition builds on its franchise even further,” commented Russell Kett, chairman of HVS London, who contributed to the book.

“It details the steps for performing a hotel market study and valuation and the types of data required to perform a proper analysis, while also taking into consideration local competitive supply, occupancy and average rate, relative competitiveness of each hotel, and the specific location of the asset.”

Hotel Market Analysis and Valuation: International Issues and Software Applications, costs $75.00 (approx. £47.50) and can be ordered online at www.hvs.com/orderhotelvaluationbook.

For further information please contact:

Linda Pettit, Tilburstow Media Partners

Mob: 07973 789853

Russell Kett, Chairman
Tel: +44 20 7878 7701

Mob: +44 78 0241 1142

About HVS
HVS is the world’s leading consulting and services organisation focused on the hotel, restaurant, shared ownership, gaming and leisure industries. Established in 1980, the company performs more than 2,000 assignments a year for virtually every major industry participant. Through a worldwide network of 30 offices staffed by 400 industry professionals, HVS provides an unparalleled range of complementary services for the hospitality industry. For further information please visit www.hvs.com.

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