Monthly Archives: July 2011

Eating out more convenient than cooking at home

• Not wanting to cook is one of the key reasons for eating out • Average spend on dining out (including drinks) rises to £12.69 • Money-off vouchers not a big influence on choice of venue • Pub restaurants prove the most popular place to dine out Consumers have cut back on the number of […]

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Edinburgh becomes the ‘in’ place for hotel developments

Edinburgh has become the in-place to open a hotel with nearly 1,500 new rooms coming on-stream in the next two years including two properties owned by international hotel chains, according to a new report from hotel consultancy HVS London. Investors are attracted to Edinburgh by the city’s unique visitor mix which means hotels aren’t totally […]

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Foodservice supply sector to see further consolidation, says Horizons

“Speculation that South African-based conglomerate Bidvest has received approaches for its food distribution arm 3663 hails the beginning of what is likely to become further consolidation in the traditionally fragmented foodservice supply business,” says leading foodservice analyst Peter Backman, managing director of Horizons.

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Academy wins prestigous Catey Award

The Academy of Food and Wine Service (AFWS) was this week delighted to be awarded one of the prestigious Catey awards, the industry’s Oscars, in Caterer and Hotelkeeper’s annual awards ceremony. The Catey was for the best independent marketing campaign and was awarded to AFWS for the PR and social media campaign surrounding the successful […]

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