Academy gears up for front of house TV series

The Academy of Food and Wine Service (AFWS), the UK’s professional body for front-of-house, will be providing a host of service-related career information, advice sheets and training packs on its newly launched website to coincide with the screening of a new series on front-of-house, Michel Roux’s Service.

The series, hosted by Le Gavroche’s Michel Roux Jnr, is being shown twice weekly beginning 12 January. It follows eight recruits through six months of rigorous front-of-house training with some of the industry’s leading players. The young trainees learn essential life skills along the way including discipline, caring for others and self-confidence. The Academy of Food and Wine Service has offered two of the trainees life-changing work scholarships at the end of their training.

“We are delighted that this project has resulted in what promises to be riveting viewing. The four-week series will inevitably raise the profile of front-of-house as a viable career in the industry and comes as a much-needed boost to the front-of-house profession. I hope it will demonstrate the fantastic and rewarding careers that are available in this sector,” said AFWS executive director Sophie Roberts-Brown.

Throughout the series the Academy’s new website will have downloadable information on careers in front-of-house and service advice sheets as well as details of training programmes. There will also be feature interviews, blogs and video blogs with key industry players discussing aspects of front-of-house training, the role played by front-of-house in an establishment’s success and their own front-of-house careers.

“Visitors to the site will able to leave us comments about the programme and issues raised in each episode, so we hope to initiate a lot of discussion too,” added Roberts-Brown. “This is a much-needed opportunity to boost the profile of front-of-house as a career as well as the importance of training, so we, alongside other industry bodies that promote careers in the sector such as Springboard, need to ensure that career and training information is readily available.”

For further details please Linda Pettit at Tilburstow Media Partners at or call 01737 823721 or 07973 789853. Alternatively call AFWS on 020 8661 4646.

About the Academy
The Academy of Food and Wine Service (AFWS) established in 1988, is the professional body for front-of-house service. As a non-profit making organisation the Academy is dedicated to improving the status and awareness of food and beverage service as a viable career choice, raising standards across the industry, and by encouraging teamwork to foster good relations with other industry sectors. The Academy can offer advice and training to anyone following, or considering, a career as a sommelier, wine waiter, waiter, bar manager or restaurant manager.

The Academy’s website and supporting training and advice material is not connected with the BBC.


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